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Channeled - Into the Eye - Time of the Great Gathering

Let’s drop into that Eye, you see. See. Sea. C. Do you see how the Sea flows up and down, back and forth? Take that letter C, now flip it on it’s side like so. Use your imagination here a little. Now do you See the Sea inside here, flowing back and forth in the C?

Many different perspectives and views and meanings from the same vibrational sound. Do you See? What you visualize is what will bring your Word, your Word into vibration, of the meaning of which you intend. Your Will be done. In-tending something. You are in tendance. What is attendance? When you tend something, you pay special mind to it, do you See? In-tending some-thing, with our Will and through our Word, will cause that vibrational alignment of that desire, IF IN ALIGNMENT with your Soul Spark**, this will allow it to fully manifest in your desired reality.

De-Sire. To sire something is to create something from a male aspect. Your Creation is from your female aspect. We all have them, do you See? We share them both inside. Combining these 2 is a Divine Will through Word, Creating our Reality to our desired Intent. This brings everything in from the deep subconscious, the Dark, into the current awareness, into the Light. You become aware. Like a lightbulb going on, aha! The light turns on and you are no longer in the Dark.

Where is this light? It is inside your Soul Spark. There are MANY that do not even know what I mean by this. That is Okay. I have been tasked with helping you Re-Member, through various keycodes we speak and share in written word. Others contain other keycodes for you to return, re-Member who you are. These silly little illusions of some spiritual power that runs rampant in the spiritual and new age communities of yours, will simply implode upon them. Those who are False Unto Themselves, will simply cease. This is no great evil or good god that does this. YOU are the only Creator of your making. But, without the awareness of the Soul Spark that DRIVES you, this will be your folly.

The Soul Spark is a deep part of the human spirit. This is inherent to ALL beings who came for the human spirit liberation. Disguised as humans, we have been waiting. Once our Sparks were lit, and we re-Membered, we began gathering.

The Great Gathering is in our timeline now.
End transmission - RA

And on we go
where we Gather
no one knows.
More to come
of this tale
follow along
to a holy grail.

Morningstar Awakens
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