Community and Connection
Hello to you all! I thank you so much for joining this group. You are all important and valued in my world. I apologize to you all for not really having much of anything going on in here. This will be changing, and rather soon. With our current let's say, political climate and the changes coming rapidly to our world especially in the ways we connect through social media, it is important to create our networks, and rapidly.
I'll be frank with you, at this moment I am very much learning the ropes of this group stuff on my website platform. This group will never have a fee. I promise you that. The purpose of this group is connection through community. And by that, I mean that every single human that joins, brings something unique to the table. I would love for all of you to just share this group and ask people to join. The group will shift as the energy shifts, and we all grow together.
Just to put it out there that more groups will form in the near future for specialized needs such as teaching, healing, and mentoring as I am able to develop and create them.
And another thing...
The sky's are becoming alight with some interesting observations. Have any of you seen anything? I just saw my first one's last night in Kenosha Wisconsin! For those who are not familiar, this is an urban area between Milwaukee and Chicago. Check this out! Let's talk about this!
Let me know your thoughts! On any of this!
Wisdom and Love,