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Stories of Our Lives


Updated: Sep 23, 2024

The stories we tell ourselves, where do they come from? You know what stories I am referring to, yes? The stories that our inner dialogue is sharing. Those thoughts of how we think about ourselves, or others, or perhaps the belief systems that we cling to? How many of these have you questioned? There were many years in my life that I would repeat some random “fact” that I learned during childhood, and never questioned. Only to find out when I did finally research this “fact”, it was indeed false. Oh, how many times I shared that “fact” with others! Spreading this untruth wide and far, because that fit my belief at the time of this being a “fact”.

It is important for our growth cycle here to question everything. Most everything you have inside of you, in your thoughts, has been placed there by the world, by others. Creating programmed responses inside of you. Until you completely leave mainstream media, and that includes the mass music industry, you will continue to choose this programming over your own true soul coding. It took me years to let go of things in society. The journey through your own madness is a necessary step. To unravel however many years of learning and being programmed with goodness knows whatever, it takes a complete overhaul of your system. Some are able to make this transition and thrive. These are the mystics. While others who go through this process become psychotic and unable to function any longer in this life program very well.

Every bit of unraveling is a choice, unless you have been called by Spirit. When Spirit Calls, you must answer. There is no other way. To not accept your souls mission when having been Called, leads to dire consequences. Once you decide to get onboard with that Call, that is where the fun really begins. And by fun, I mean a ride down the raging whitewater rapids of devolution, on a fast track to your next super-evolution. Opening your spiritual Heart. This is the place that mystics from all ages and times have spoken about. For we know this is where the soul spark lay. Deep inside. But one must be brave to access this.

Choosing to face yourself, and truly love yourself, is quite the adventure through consciousness.

The largest doorway to this magick happening Is with your inner child. This is where all of your magick lay. The imagination, curiosity, and natural wonder that a child has in this world, is key to your happiness, peace, joy, and love. This process of integration is a lifelong practice, and it is one that does get much easier once you really make friends with him/her/them.

To be able to shift your own adult awareness, into the mind of your inner child, brings playfulness, healthy hope, and knowing that all is well.

Let us dream and create the best story. For our story, is what makes up our world.

Wisdom and Love,
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