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Writer's picture: DawnDawn

Updated: Sep 23, 2024


That word, freedom. What does that really mean? What does that word bring up inside you as to a feeling? Freedom. Let freedom ring. Sound strong the bells of freedom. Feeling free to fully explore oneself and the various likes by mostly exploring various dislikes, is a very interesting a fun road.

I have likened it to going feral. When one is feral, shaving goes right out the window. Along with feeling alignment strongly and a knowing strength unmatched by previous experience in life. Freedom to meet any and all on their level of consciousness, because of that alignment with self that ego releases the need to “be” something other than self.

Freedom to explore any whim that may come ones way. Freedom from the restrictions of society.

None of this ever leads to harm because to restrict another’s freedom goes against the very structure of belief in freedom. Connection with oneself allows another to be in a sacred space. Observing without judgement. Freedom to shift in numerous ways throughout life.

Mental health has been a large concern of mine. Expanding so quickly with macabre and expansive, wild ways can lead to being a long ways from home, Toto. Bringing oneself back into this consciousness, with new awareness, is part of the wave of this human life existence.

Spending time with different types of people across many different perspectives is so incredibly wonderful. It is like taking all sorts of new adventures in life, bringing in new thought wave patterns and realms of rabbit holes to explore once again.

Energetic connections have miniature explosions when one hits that spark. Some connections are fleeting, say a short grocery store conversation and discovery of numerous similarities in life.

Freedom to express emotions! This is huge! In society, we are so tightly controlled. Even though the craziest thing about this whole façade is the fact that we ALL share extremely similar feelings! At many different times throughout life.

But shhhh, we can’t talk about them because that makes you a weak human. Weird ass shit here. So, I have decided to take my freedom elsewhere and have left society. See? “Feral” is a beginning to really start resonating, right?! I chose self-love. I choose self-knowing, aka Know Thyself.

The Ancient Greek aphorism "Know Thyself" is the first of three Delphic maxims inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek writer Pausanias” – Wikipedia.

Some assume this is dangerous because it can put you in a box of sorts. But that is not quite true, unless you are viewing the saying from the societal perspective and ego. Stepping back in consciousness to the observer of the observer, the part of you that says similar things to “my brain does these things”, or “my thoughts are…”.

Who inside your thoughts, thinks that particular thought? Who is recognizing that you are thinking these thoughts? This is the observer. A higher level of awareness, aka consciousness. Now, let’s take that one level even further and understand that to name the observer you must be that someone who can do so, correct? Do you see yet? Who are you recognizing the observer, who is recognizing your thoughts? Go higher! Keep going! There is no sky to limit you even!

Become like the Aether, flowing and floating into nothingness.

Or just stay here with me and keep reading about freedom. You have the freedom to choose!

Knowing thyself and making decisions from the higher levels of consciousness brings about deeper and more enhanced experiences in life. You begin to feel connection with everything, and understanding of how that all works begins to become apparent. It is a humbling experience. Realizing you are the same as the trees, the same as the soil, the same as the worms, the same as every other being in existence. No more, no less.

Now, let’s ask how do we treat ourselves? How do we treat our environment? Do we even think about all of the insects and bugs that are underneath our feet, especially in the grass? Life starts with YOU. In knowing thyself, recognizing the amazing light being you are, your acknowledgement of full participation with life begins to shift your life. The external world of society begins to lose is illusory appeal. Seeing the inauthenticity and the deep pain that exudes throughout can be very difficult. And there are no right or wrong paths in life, as to how one participates in the society they were born into, or begins to step away.

All paths can be authentic, and all paths are true for you!

If you have forgotten with some of my side quests in writing, this story is all about freedom. Freedom to be fully yourself, in any way shape of form, at any given time. Now, this is not a free for all and fuck everything up. We are also loving oneself through knowing oneself and understanding the connection of all therefore there is no separation so there cannot be any harm upon anything else as well, as everything is an extension of YOU, and you do love yourself.

Is this beginning to take shape at all? Light up some ideas in your mind, or even feelings in your body? Any excitement yet? Because I’m feeling excited! I am excited for LIFE. Just life. I am breathing, I am experiencing, I am meeting wonderful new people, I am choosing love over fear and going on huge adventures, I am watching my daughter spread her wings far and soar, I am watching my son grow his wings and knowing himself so much more, I am watching myself grow through this consciousness through extreme life events – solo, I am choosing life every single day because I am honored and happy to be here – struggles and all.

I choose love.

And most of all, I choose freedom to explode that love everywhere, by fully embracing my fullest Light self.

Please go, be free.

Wisdom and Love,
Dawn the Awakener
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