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Childhood Musings and a Tale of Growing Up


Updated: Sep 23, 2024

I remember as a child the smell of a fresh new day. Upon waking and going outside, the fresh smells of the dew that was glistening on the grass, filled my nostrils as I welcomed in a new day of possible adventures. Depending on where I was, my mother or fathers house would determine where and how I would mostly spend my day. At my mothers, I would be found performing any variety of outdoor activities. Since sports was a large force in my life due to my mothers love of them, I was quickly drawn to baseball and basketball and would spend hours at play at either.

One of my favorite games was to toss a tennis ball on the roof of our metal roofed house. My goals were always to not only see how close I could get to the 2” or so lip of metal at the peak of the roof, also while tossing it smoothly so I would make no noise nor bounce on it’s way to the top. Another favorite was to shoot hoops in the driveway. This was pretty straightforward, and I would just practice very shot, like my hero Magic Johnson of the Lakers at the time.

I also climbed many trees. There were 2 in my yard that were the best. Easy to reach limbs, sturdy, and comfortable sitting spots up high, made for great climbing trees. One in particular, a pine tree we had in the back corner of our huge yard was a great one to climb up and disappear into. One year when I climbed up high in this tree, I discovered a birds nest! Peeking carefully inside and being very cautious in not touching it, I saw a few beautiful blue eggs. There were Robins here! What a joy! I had always heard that if you touch the nest, eggs, or baby birds when hatched, the adult bird would not come back. So I was VERY careful not to touch anything. I certainly didn’t want these babies to come to an end because of my selfishness. I climbed up this tree almost daily to check on the eggs. I talked to Mama Robin every day when I was near her babies to let her know I wasn’t going to harm them. She came back to the nest with no problems, and I knew that I was okay in her book. She has officially given me permission. Pretty soon, the babies hatched! They were the tiniest, almost featherless creatures. I found a library book to learn more, so I knew too how to best take care of them. The internet had not exactly been brought much into the public yet, as this was the late 1980’s. A time of true human connection. These baby Robins were so much fun! I was already a natural worm hunter so gathering some food for them was easy. I would break off tiny pieces of worm and use a tweezers to place them at the back of the baby Robins mouth, into the throat. Just like a Mama Robin! I was in heaven taking care of these babies. Mama would watch from nearby at times, but always knew that my Heart and good intentions were pure. These babies grew and grew, their feathers on their breast were a faded orange and spotted yet. One day I climbed up to the nest and they all flew out of it! It was like watching my own children at different large milestones in their lives. I rejoiced! They all pooped on me as they flew out! What a way to be blessed by the Robins! I made sure they were able to get back up into the tree to their nest, but this ended my caretaking time of the babies. They were grown!

I have always enjoyed a strong connection to Nature. Spending hours studying the trees, grasses, exploring streams, and just being in the great outdoors. Being an almost only child, as my siblings are 12 and 14 years older than me, and being in a family that was in the midst of breaking up, left me to my own devices most of the time. I spent most of my days with my best friends, who happened to be Spirit guides and angels. We would discuss the intricacies of this human experience and they would offer their deep wisdom and advice during my young days in powerful ways. We avidly talked always. Sharing with them my deepest worries, concerns, and just in general life questions, I have been Spirit taught since babyhood. My mother was wrapped in the energy of her divorce and figuring out to do life as a now single mother. There wasn’t much nurturing nor attention available for me. Spirit has raised me since the earliest days in every way, and I am so very grateful for the connection. Only as an adult have I more deeply understood this.

I remember as a youth, having profound thoughts and understandings about this human lifetime. Oftentimes jumping into an activity that was deemed “normal” for children. To have that experience and add it to my “human resume”. It has been a mix of deep understandings, and also BE-ing human in every way.

These thought processes and knowing’s came from a neurodivergent mind. I was adult-diagnosed in 2023 with ADHD and Autism. When I look back on my childhood, there were many signs. From the socializing strangeness's to the fascination with organizing our cupboard of canned goods, to being brilliant in school and never needing to study, to my easy connection with Spirit. It has been a journey, let me tell you. I am very grateful to have received these diagnoses as they help give me some answers to why many human things have been difficult for me. I am not from here. My most recent life experience was not on this planet, rather it was on a 5th dimensional planet elsewhere. I have struggled with so many human experiences, and so much has never made sense to me. Humans propensity for violence, competition, jealousy, or any other horrid ways one can be towards another living being.

I am here to help this shift of humanity, along with more growth for my soul. Everything in my life has guided me to where I am now. Just like you. I can feel it deep inside my bones, my Heart, and my Soul. To be an inspiring Light. To bring in the Dawn, of a new life and existence.

With Wisdom and Love,
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