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Channeled Vision, Journey, and Angelic Message -Re-MEMBER Your Divinity

What I see are these beings, yet appearing as giant red rocks, but the shape is shifting a bit from the fireball tails. Dragon. Yes! I can see them. There’s many, all different ages, all different sizes and species. I am seeing some that are hiding behind the sun, our sun. If I compare their size to the sun, they are not as big, but they can easily be at least half as big. Not in roundness, but they are half the length of the suns diameter.

They are in space, holding their rock, their body wrapped around the backside of it, and their tail swooshing down and moving all around. The tail lit completely with fire. Yellow, orange, red licking flames, as it shooshes it all over in space.

The journey deepens at this moment, as I am drawn deep into the vision the angels are showing me and narrating as I type…I begin to see a white, lavender and purple fires lighting one Dragon among them. As I watch, I can see the fire shifting in some to other colors. There is one that now holds many shades of green, one that holds shades of purple and pink, one that is many shades of blue, and now there’s a pure yellow one with varying shades of that color.

As I watch them all, I can see that all of them are able to shift into any color. The feeling and message unfolding shows me the vibrations of Angelic Dragon energy. Very high vibrational and supportive of the human species.

The feeling of “portend” was/is due to the mass changes about to take place. On their way here in the first vision, they were rushing through maddening negative ion clouds, and they (Angel/Dragons) were shattering many shadow energies on their way. The shadows would explode into bits of Light. No destruction, simply transmutation.

This Channeled Message came through strong… “The angelic realm has seeded humanity deeply. And you are now starting to wake up. This is a powerful time. But you, you do Not Re-Member who you are, you Child of the Most Divine. No being has ownership over you. There is only YOU. But you must forget your name to Re-Member who you are. You, who go beyond your name. There is none. For we are All. The world you are in is meant to distract you. To convince you that you are separated from the Divine All-Knowingness that you have inside.

The programs run through your water system, as you are mostly fluid. That should remind you of your fluidity to change. Adapt. You are adaptable. Oh human spirit, did you forget/ You have been buried under deep traumas here since the beginning of humankind, but has now taken place so deeply entrenched in the collective, there is no other way but to eradicate. This will burn. A burning away of what is now, so your new what is, will be quite more powerful.

SHINE, you radiant beings of light. Re-Member. Re-Member. Bring back your members. You ARE my member. My very own. But I am you, and you are me. We are ONE. Do you see? Re-Member. Collect all your bits, your dirty bits as you like to say. Collect them and sweep them into a pile. There, now you see, you are dust. And to dust you return. Your spirit isn’t there is it. NO! You are from the Stars. But not the gaseous balls of light. You are Stars. The “LIGHT THAT SHINES” Re-Member. Re-Member. Re-Member. NOW is the time. The disharmonious earth will fall away. This will BURN. The new era is upon us. The shift is here. One that has sat for millennia. Let it come now. Let it be now. BE.

Re-Member. Re-Member. What is a member? A member of a whole. Re-Member NOW. Will you solve? Absolve.”

This vision journey and channeled message I humbly share from the Angelic collective consciousness.

With Wisdom,

Morningstar Awakens
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