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Are You Ready to Live?


Updated: Sep 24, 2024

To what end to we desire to live?

When this current society seems to demand the unhealthiest of ways. No values are esteemed, no honesty is welcomed, no wisdom is gained from the mass amounts of knowledge available, and no one seems to want to take responsibility for Self.

To give away so much power makes you an easy target. Do you really enjoy being controlled that much? To realize just how powerless you have chosen to be, is terrifying. Perhaps you are deserving of demise. You really don’t care, do you?

In this attempt to wake you up, perhaps we shall just piss you off. You can stop reading of course. Take the easy way out, just like you always have. How far has that gotten you in life? There is some reason you want to keep reading these words. There is some reason you even found this particular article of consciousness. Do you trust yourself to continue? Let’s move on then, shall we?

STOP giving your power away. Stop blaming others. Stop depending on others for your own happiness. How dreadfully unfair and selfish is that of you, how dare you do that to another. When you can’t even KNOW deep down that you love yourself. You may claim it. But I see you. You there, look into the mirror. Do you see me? I am you and you are me. Deep within. Most of the eyes that I see looking back at me contain no soul to speak of. Doesn’t this scare you? If it doesn’t, ask yourself why. What is the purpose of your life? Perhaps it is indeed meaningless. Maybe you are truly that waste of space that you feel you are. Am I hitting any chords? You do suck. And I will tell you that.

I feel you. I know you. Somewhere lost in that void. Constantly seeking the next latest and greatest thing to fill up your emptiness. Just keep buying, keep consuming whatever it is that makes that little heart pump. Maybe if you’re lucky, you will get your exit off this dreadful existence. Is that really what you want?

Deep in my own Heart of hearts, I do not desire that for you nor for me. You are the only one that can give meaning to your life, the only one that can make it meaningful. When you realize this, take your responsibility for yourself seriously, love yourself hard enough to throw the finger at the world in a resounding FUCK YOU and live your goddamn life as you fully intended when you decided to come down through the spirit portal of whatever mother you chose.

You forgot, didn’t you. The utter amazingness and miracle of this entire existence. You have become distracted, programmed fully with these godawful and surface level worldly desires coursing through your loins. What if you were to make love with life? You choose to get fucked by life. Why not choose to fuck the hell out of life instead? Slow down, make that passionate love with life herself through your Heart and you will never be sorry.

To intimately get to know yourself, brought to you by the experiences through/of others, you can become free. You know what you don’t like, right? Just listen to yourself bitch about this or that. That seems to be the most common conversation most are capable of having. What if you chose, every single day, to talk only of things that you enjoy? What if you developed the strength to literally and figuratively walk the fuck away from anything that doesn’t serve you and your highest good and timeline?

What if you choose Love through the Heart and expand fully into your truest self. Leave this world behind and let go of that group think. That dumbs you down fully.

But who am I to have anything to say on these matters?

I am you and you are me, and I am simply One Who Knows.

Wisdom and Love,
Dawn the Awakener
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