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Paranormal Teams - When to Call a Professional


Paranormal experiences can be vastly different. The same can be said about paranormal teams. In my experience, most paranormal teams are investigators instead of being healers. There to prove the existence of the energy known as ghosts, to provoke the energy to react, to see if it is aware or sentient. But where do they go from there? They may inform the property owner that yes, you have a haunting. Call someone. (P.s. I am one of those “someone’s” to call.)

The phenomena of the paranormal can range from a variety of energetic expressions. A small variety would be active spirits who are stuck in this dimensional reality, spirits that don’t know they are dead, spirits who have been captured by malevolent spirits, spirits that are mean and draining and do cause harm, to those of energetic echoes that don’t carry any sentience, or awareness. They are simply a memory in the fabrics of time that is on repeat.

Let’s talk more about the malevolent spirit energy. If there is a lot of sadness, depression, grief, anger, raised voices, heated emotions, perverted occurrences of mind body or spirit, or similar energies, these can influence the energy of the home and create something like a haunting. This energy can draw in entities that are attracted to the low vibrations, and then you will indeed find yourself with a bona fide haunting. And now you have something there that will not only begin feeding off of your energy, but also begin emitting that energy back to you to keep you in those low feelings.

Another common occurrence is the presence of vortexes and portals. These are places where there is a strong inflow and outflow of spirit energy. Commonly these will be found in corners of the basement, or lower level, near water. Often in a more unused portion of the space. But they have been known to be in other places also including mirrors on the walls.

A few things you can do to try and alleviate this issue is to light a candle and ask Archangel Michael to your home. Then grab your white sage and/or cedar. It’s time to smudge your home. Open a window or door and light that smudge stick and let it smoke like crazy. (Don’t let it stay on fire) Go around your home with it in a clockwise fashion. You can also try ringing bells or chimes in your home, particularly in the corners. Best even to do both the smudge and the bells at the same time!

When the funk is there and you’re feeling those feelings of heavy depressions/anger/something being “off”, contact me before you get to the weird cold spots in your home, knocks and bangs, lights flickering, voices whispering, etc. My spirit guides, angels, spirit friends and helpers, and myself would love to help alleviate this energy.

My Spirit Team and I – “We provide psychopomp services and cross spirits to the other side, where their energy belongs. We are always there to heal, to provide a way to the Light. We are there to heal the persons, spirits, and the land. Connecting with our spirit team, we cleanse and clear the energy and seal your home in a white light of protection. Blessing your entire home with only the highest dimensional angels and love.”

Contact me anytime with questions or if you have something going on, please send me the info and we can have a consultation. Or, simply book right here.

I also work with a professional team of paranormal healers, the Windhorse Shamanic Paranormal Team organized by Deborah Murphy. We are located across Wisconsin and provide paranormal cleansing and blessing services all over. When needed, it’s wonderful to have additional professionals to call on for assistance.

Wisdom and Love,


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